Our work combines technological innovation and artistic research on the highest level. We developed digital mapping systems as well as new amplification methods for our acoustic instruments and use this technologies for new artistic
solutions. Our engagement in musical technology allows us a great flexibility and variety of output. Modern times set demanding challenges for artists and innovators. Nimikry displays our very own perception of the musical reality.
We designed a complex digital mapping system, which allows to convert the instrument into a powerful midi controller, thus allowing normal playing.
Our self-designed software and tools create the best interface to control our instruments and generate real-time processing of any sort: controlling virtual instrument, real-time notation, sensors tracking for live-processing devices, to name a few. Our library features complex, highly digitally compatible objects and plug-ins designed as a juncture for our instruments.
We encourage other artists and composers to help us expanding our platform on augmented instruments and create new works to exploits all the possibilites of our prototypes. Each composer, with his unique prospective, helps us to break boundaries and find new artistic solutions.We offer complete technological support and a higly flexible digital interface that can be adapted to every need. Composers such as Wolfgang Mitterer, Jorge Sanchez Chiong and Matthias Kranebitter composed for our instruments.
Our sound world developes at the same time with our research and technological improvement. The distincitve element we want to preserve is our focus on instrumental playing as main source of sound and expressivity.
Our technology allows the conversion be- tween physical mouvement and digital process- ing to a great extent.
We like to produce space- and frame-related musical performances. The reflection on the history of a place and its community is also of great importance in our artistic process.